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“Raras pero no Invisibles” joins Pling!

The makers of the documentary “Raras, pero no Invisibles” (“Rare but not Invisible”) have joined Pling.

“Raras…” is a documentary that explores the plight of patients with rare illnesses. While diseases such as cancer and coronary illnesses receive billions in donations and funding for research and treatment each year, conditions such Tarlov Cysts, Dravet Syndrome or Fabry’s Disease, each of which only affect a few tens of thousands of patients worldwide, often receive next to nothing and patients often go undiagnosed.

The film, which you can see online for free, tries to raise awareness about these patients and their suffering and, at the same time, help the general public understand through interviews with doctors, researchers and those affected by rare diseases, why it is important that these illnesses not slip through the cracks.

Original funding for the documentary was also crowdfunded. Sombradoble, the makers of the film,  managed to raise 12.000 euros on the Verkami crowdsourcing platform. This money allowed them to shoot and post-produce the film and give it its first marketing push in Spain.

Since then, the makers have continued working with patients and associations and maintain a blog that publishes news and testimonials.

“Raras, pero no invisibles” is distributed under a CC By-SA license. See the documentary below.