Quick Fixes

Free Software, Writing and other Stuff


Pling is Live!

Pling, the donation platform has changed its status from beta to live.

The idea behind Pling is to make the donation collecting transparent, help build communities of supporters and help interacting with them.

From the creators’ point of view, you create an account, write a description, upload some media (pics, a video, or a sound file) and add your PayPal account you want to get paid through1 . There are no fixed timelines for money collecting and no commissions on our behalf.

From the users’ point of view, it allows the discovery of new stuff, be it music, art, videos, software, games, blogs, whatever; and then Pling simplifies donating. A user doesn’t even have to register to donate.

We are also working on this blog-magazine to promote the works, publish news and interviews with creators, and organize events.

So if you have questions or want your product to be featured, please get in contact with me at paul@pling.it .

1 Yes, we are well aware of PayPal’s bad rap. We are looking into alternatives, including cryptocurrencies, but for simplicity’s sake, we chose to go with them to start with. Also, from a user’s point of view, it is non-threatening platform.